Kaye reported on the O'Brien plaques, the progress of the little flags and her search for material for the jackets.
The O'Brien plaques are here and ready to be erected in Rotary rest point. It was suggested that we decide on a recipient for the plaque and have them present for the plaque placement and unveiling. A name was put forward and this will be investigated by the directors in coming weeks. As we have a very busy March and April with social commitments, the unveiling will not be until later this year.
Kaye has been chasing the Kelpie Association for permission to use their Kelpie logo on some small Rotary flags, to distribute to visiting clubs or as a gift to other clubs that we visit. She will keep us informed on the outcome.
Material for our jackets is being very hard to find. As we are not in a hurry for them, Kaye will keep a look out. She is verythankful that we haven't had any printed yet, due to the recent change in the Rotary logo.