Organisation of this fantastic day is well under way. Roger has distributed a list of all the gardens, coordinators (gardens, food, music and administration). Should you not have a copy of this, please contact Roger.
Roger has asked all garden coordinators, within the next couple of weeks, to please contact their garden owners and organize a meeting with them to discuss their infrastructure requirements, their expectations of the day and also ask them to write their blurb, or the information that they would like in the pamphlet. This information is to be returned and collated at the next meeting. Kaye and Sheryl-Lee will design the pamphlet from the supplied information. 
Darren is to door knock the property owners from Hutton St to the railway precinct (where registration will be set up) to inform them that there may be large numbers of people walking past and admiring their gardens on October 16th as a part of the MAGIC day, just for their information.
Sue K is to book the busses and enquire about potential bus drivers.
Advertising - A survey at the Stephens' property, last MAGIC day, revealed that a majority of the people learned of MAGIC through the "Lifestyle Limestone Coast Magazine. Because of this information, this medium will be used again this year. Ads will also go onto the radio stations and into the "What's on in Hamilton" magazine. If you have any further suggestions for advertising, please mention it at the next meeting. 
NEXT MAGIC MEETING: Thursday 26th May @ 5:30pm Glenelg Inn